Well community it's that time of year again...3/5 Golden Boy goes up this month.
Well I got 2 things to say about this month's GB.
1. I was thinking about making this one a unique one of the 5, like rarer than even having #1.
It would be a chase type piece that only 1 of the 5 in this small limited edition series I'm running right now would have. I'm thinking "Golden Boy: The Grotesque"...it would have like a few shattered teeth and maybe a broken eye socket or a hole in the skull...IDK these thinks just come to me like manna from the even. Depending on the posts after this one I will decide if i will or not...it's basically ready to go, but I'm not announcing exactly what day this month.
2. What do you guys think about doing this Golden Boy as a public auction where the highest bid wins after a week or so. The bids would be submitted in the posts so everyone can see the current price. I set the exact time the auction ends and the highest offer wins or just leave it as it is and let lady luck win.* If anyone backs out the next highest price wins. The payment can still go thru escrow I'll just make a custom order listing for the winner.

My only reserve on doing this is showcasing more pathetic scammers a new way to scam here. Maybe a single allowance can be made for me since I'm the longest active moderator. I'll PM DPR about it tonight.
These lottos are one thing, adding another weapon to scam is not my intent. Also I've heard many members request auctions on the marketplace so this could be the first step towards that happening.
Anyway guys let me here your opinions...it'll be at least a week before it goes up or will it?

Also for those that have no idea what they look like here's the listing for the last 2 Golden boys as a chance to see what they look like, please ignore the price it is so ppl to simple view the product til that special time every month.
As always I am your faithful moderator nomad bloodbath.
Also look out for my new "Chalkboard" and "You name it, You got it any color you can think of Color" Skulls going up tonight.

nomad bloodbath